Moved to Our New Home in Nakhu, Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Moved to Our New Home in Nakhu, Lalitpur, Kathmandu

We officially moved into our new home in Nakhu, Lalitpur, Kathmandu in June 2018. This is one of the best things that has ever happened to our children. Our new home has a big compound, and we are now able to plant our own vegetables to subsidise our food cost. The children are also able to play safely outdoors, with space to play badminton, football, rope skipping, and dancing.

We look forward to sharing these precious moments with you, follow us on Facebook to get live updates!


SCIF MBI Nepal New home in Nakhu

Upon settling in comfortably, we officially put up our house banner on 19th June 2018.


If you would like to help us make a difference, visit us at SCIF @ Volunteer Work Nepal.We have a couple of Volunteer packages, otherwise you can make the most of your time here by visiting some of Nepal’s most popular landmarks at the same time with these travel packages, where 100% of the profits will go to the orphanage!

Donate Us


SCIF Bank Details

For donating through bank transfers, please use the following details:

Account name: Supporting Children Initiative Foundation M.B.I. Nepal
Account number: 2990154577000014
Bank Name: Prabhu Bank LIMITED
Bank address: Kirtipur-06, Chobhar Branch Kathmandu, Nepal
Swift code: PRVUNPKA