Meghraj Oli | DOB: 21st December 2006

Meghraj Oli | DOB: 21st December 2006
  • Name: Meghraj Oli
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday: 21st December 2006
  • Home Address: Salyan
  • School: Gyankunja College.
  • Grade: Class 12
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Admission Date to SCIF Nepal: April 2017
  • Interests: Meghraj wishes to be an engineer when he grows up. With his intelligence, we have very high hopes for him.

Would you like to visit him? 🙂 If yes, visit us at SCIF @ Volunteer Work Nepal. We have a couple of Volunteer packages, otherwise you can make the most of your time here by visiting some of Nepal’s most popular landmarks at the same time with these travel packages, where 100% of the profits will go to the orphanage!

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SCIF Bank Details

For donating through bank transfers, please use the following details:

Account name: Supporting Children Initiative Foundation M.B.I. Nepal
Account number: 2990154577000014
Bank Name: Prabhu Bank LIMITED
Bank address: Kirtipur-06, Chobhar Branch Kathmandu, Nepal
Swift code: PRVUNPKA